Saturday, June 20, 2009

Survivor Week

11 Missionaries - 1 week - no showers...can we survive?

This week came as a suprise to all of us because we were told that the rest of the time here would consist of finishing classes and then closing down the school. They decided, like they do every year, to have us play Survivor!

So Sunday morning we were told we had four hours to get everything we would need packed (not including food) and that at noon we would leave for a villiage. They said we would be dropped off there and have to survive the week. We had to buy all of our food there but thankfully we were aloud to bring gas travel stoves and we were able to sleep in a church. When we got there on Sunday all we did was set up camp, cook, and go to sleep.

Monday we started our first ministry out reach. We choose to go door to door and share the Gospel. That day we were able to lead 6 people to the Lord (2 adults and 4 children) One lady that we lead to the Lord was extremley poor her house was one bedroom made out of dirt bricks and a dirt floor. She had a little fire in the middle and was cooking coffee and what looked like leaves from outside for dinner, we did not even see a bed. One thing that we, as Americans, never realize is how grateful we are. You never seem to realize that until you see someone who has basically absolutly nothing.

On Tuesday we choose to do childrens ministry. We worshiped with the kids, told them the story of Adam and Eve, had an altar call, and then played some games with them. There were around 15 kids that gave their lives to Christ this day!!
In the evening the church we were staying at had a service that we participated in.

Again on Wednesday we went door to door. This time there were five people that came to Christ.

On Thursday we did childrens ministry again! The story we shared this time was of the prodical son. I had the privlage of doing the altar call this day. I was able to lead around 7-10 kids to the Lord. After that we had a coloring contest with them and whoever colored the nicest got a big package of craylons (they all got little ones to take home with them).

So to answer the question at the begining can we survive? The answer is yes with some bug bites to top it off! This week was a lot of fun Im not going to lie I was a little nervous at first because we were told that we might have to kill a chicken or a pig so we could eat but thankfully we found tiendas (little market stores) that sold chicken and meats already killed, plucked, gutted, and cut! Also, it rained alot while we were there and on Thursday night as we were trying to go to bed it rained so hard that the water was coming in under the tin roof threw the sides hitting off the ceiling and on to us getting us wet so we had to move our cots into the middle of the church and pick up all of our bags and put them on chairs.

I can not believe that in about one week I will be on a plane home.

1 comment:

  1. Luann,

    Sounds like you have had a wonderful experience growing in the Lord. May you continue to be obedient to God’s will and direction for your life. May you have a safe trip home. God bless you. I am very proud of you.

    Love Uncle Bobby

    I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil 1:3-6
