Week 3 Guatemala
On Sunday I prepared my devotional. I talked on 2 different verses Eph 6:19-20 and Hebrews 13:5a-6. Basically God put on my heart to share about us going out and starting our week of Evangelism. I talked on why we are going out, our fears, and stuff like that.
Monday was the big day! I woke up and was really nervous because I had never gone out witnessing before and to have to do it in Spanish was intimidating. I had no idea what to expect. I liked going out but I felt because I did not know Spanish very well that I was not doing my best. Now do not get me wrong I loved being able to share about Jesus but the whole language barrier thing kinda scared me J The one thing that I loved the most about this day was when my group was able to minister to two older teenage girls, whom of which accepted Jesus. It brightened up my day to know that even though I had difficulties with the language I was still able to help lead them to Christ. That day was an amazing day my group got to lead 11 people to the Lord and all the other two groups lead 6 to the Lord.
Tues was an amazing day. We went witnessing in Central Park. The first group of two we went up to already knew Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The lady Sam started to talk to accepted Jesus. You could just see the difference in her face. When we asked her where Jesus was now she looked up with this big smile on her face and said in “mi corazon” – “my heart” We gave her a bible even though she could not read bc she told us that her husband could read. We happened to look over at her when we were witnessing to our next lady and she had found someone to read it to her. Another thing that was really cool about this lady was that when we left the factory on tues we saw her walking to her house and we had witnessed to her over a 30 min drive away and she lived in the same vacinity as us. God totally had that one planned out J haha. The next lady that we got to witness to was homeless and she just look so depressed and just blah and after we talked to her for a while we asked her if she wanted to accept Jesus and she did. We gave her a bible and she was like thank you thank you and she flipped through it and said she really liked it. Both of those ladies looked so lost, sad, and upset before and man the change in their face when they accepted Jesus was amazing.
Since I am the leader/coordinator this month Bill (our campus coordinator) had me pick four people to preach in the park. My first thought was sweet I do not have to do it I will pick 4 other people. Then as I was praying about whom to pick I felt God saying no you are going to preach and you are going to be the first one to preach because I want you to show them that even though you are nervous you can do it. So I went first and I just preached for a few minutes and did not get a response but I was able to pray for some guy. (You see we only had a few minutes to prepare something and they have to be short bc or else the people will leave) Then the others went and one girl named sara blew me away. She is from Guatemala and was being used as a translator. She is only 17 years old and has one of the biggest passions for God and what He has called her to do (missionary.) I love it!!!!!!! She ended up crying when she got done because she was able to translate a sermon and she did it perfectly. When Jessica was preaching this guy came up and wanted her to pray for everyone. She did that and then the guy was getting a bunch of people to hear her preach and she was able to preach to 25-30 people. That day we were able to lead 7 people to Christ.
On our way back home Joel had gotten pulled over. Joel starts to get all mad and is like he has no reason to pull me over. Thankfully joel is fluent in Spanish, he has lived here w/ his parents for 18 years. The first thing that he asks us is do we have our passports or copies of them and we were like no (we were in his truck bc the van broke down the truck has ohio plates not Guatemala plates) we had sara (the only non American in the truck) translate for us so we knew what was going on. Long story short was they wanted to impound us and the truck bc he did not have the original papers for them just copies and they were in his moms name. They pulled us over bc we were Americans and they thought they could lie to us and get us to give them money. They let us go but we were pulled over for like 15 min. That day was very exciting and interesting.
Wed was my fav day. We got to go to the largest public college in Guatemala and witness! The girl that God put on my heart went to a satanic church. I shared part of my testimony with her and we prob talked to her for like 30 min telling her that Jesus could feel the gap in her life and be the missing piece in her puzzle. That she did not have to feel empty and the even though drugs and guys could make her feel nice and what not that was only while she was high and stuff and that Christ could make please her the rest of her life. She was really interested in my testimony, I related to her in parts for the fact that for a whole summer I was around drugs like 24/7 and doing thing w/ guys. She may have been interested in it for the wrong reasons but she understood for the right and we were able to lead her to Christ. Her name is Diana and is only 18 years old. I would love it if you could just pray for her bc she was in to a lot of stuff and it is going to be tough for her. This whole going out and witnessing thing seems to be getting easier and easier. I really enjoyed going out today. There was this other group were as soon as we asked them if they wanted to accept Jesus one guy was like Si – yes. He could not wait to accept Him the whole time he was so intentially listening you could just see him soaking up what we were saying. I LOVE IT!! Today was my favorite day because we were able to reach out to our generation and we were able to make a dent in their lives and though we may just have planted lots of seeds someone else is going to harvest them! We had a total of 7 lives changed around for Christ today!!
Thurs wow thurs was an interesting day. We went to Antigua today and were only able to preach to people that spoke english. Sam and I were by ourselves so we went away from everyone else we did not want to talk to the same people that everyone else did. People were not very receptive we had one lady once she found out what we wanted to talk to her about back up waving her arms saying no no no no she acted as if we were going to curse her or something. Then this American couple was like we are kinda doing the market thing right now but is there anything else you would like to talk about. We were there for like 3 hours and were only able to witness to 2 people who by the way were together. We were sorta able to witness to one guy but he knew everything about the bible and said don’t preach to a guy who tried jesus and returned him to the store. It was felt like he was just hurt by his brother and others in his fam he had told us they all knew christ and that his brother quit his job didn’t go to school and just sat in his room reading his bible. He would not let us share our testimony or anything and did not want to hear anything about the bible but I was able to share a story and hopefully what sam and I said to him made him think. We talked to him for about 20 min or so and when we asked him his name he was like why so you can pray for me he was like if you God is so powerful then He will know who I am so just tell Him the guy who bought it and returned it. We only had one salvation the whole day and that was another group but we did get to plant seeds and we got to pray for like 4-5 other missionary groups that we saw so we like that and one of them we got to pray for healing for one of the team members bc she woke up w a fever.
So we were supposed to go out and finish up our last day of evangelism on fri but the van was still broken so we just had a normal day instead. It was nice because four of us Americans all had really bad upset stomaches. At night we got to go and feed the homeless o man was it sad. My group got to help make the food. When we were out giving it away there were homeless kids and their parents were to consumed with drugs to really care about their welfare. The youngest baby was 3 months old and we saw a 2 year old 4 year old and prob like a 7 year old. Those were the ones that we got to pray for at least. But it was really sad to see them not having a home we just wanted to take them and take care of them but well we could not really do that.
Today was nice bc we got to go cook food and feed children. We did that from 7-11 while we were there me and lynette were playin soccer and she fell in a whole and did something w her ankle and still can not walk on it. Then just went shopping. We went to a knock off of Wal-Mart – they had Wal-Mart tags but it was not called Wal-Mart and then we went to the mall to eat there mall is amazing they have three that are all connected the one we were in was 3 stories high. We just went to the food court though I got pollo campero!! Mmmmm my fav fast food here!!!
sorry that it is so long we had an amazing week and i just did not want to leave anything out