Saturday, June 13, 2009

Guatemala Final Weeks

The last couple of weeks we have been learning about Church History. We started off talking about the 400 silent years and went all the way to the 1100's the first week and this week we learned about the 1200's to the 2000's.
One thing that I thought was interesting for the first half was all the Christians that got persecuted during this time. They got eatin alive or burned at the stake and many other different ways. They got killed because when the emperor wanted them to bow to him and confess him as god they would not. They believed Jesus Christ was and is the only true God. One guy that was interesting was a guy named Polycarp. When the soldiers came to his house to take him to be killed he prayed for one hour while his wife cooked the soldiers a meal. When they took him out to the lions he would not denounce Christ so they let the lions out to kill him. Well, the lions just came and sat beside him and did not eat him. So, they brought out new lions and they would not kill him. Then, they tried to burn him and two times they were unsuccessful and the wood just burnt all the way, not even burning his clothes. The whole time he was praying and when they lit the third fire he died instantly. It is very interesting to learn about how the church today started. This week we talked alot about all the different Christian Religions that were started. Like how Martin Luther stood up to the Catholic Church because he did not agree with what they were doing and what their doctrine said. Next week we will be learning about Missions history and then our final week, thats crazy to say, we will be shutting down the school painting and cleaning everything preparing it for next years students!

Today we went to the feeding center to feed the children lunch. We cooked the food - frijoles, soup, tortillas, and hard boiled eggs. after they got done eating we did worship with them and then had a clown come and do a short service/activity with them. they really enjoyed it!


  1. Aww luann.. i miss u .. how mamy more weeks... days... months until u come back to PA!

  2. Wow Lulu - it went so fast!!! Sounds like you learned a lot and had tremendous experience in missions. Looking forwayrd to seeing you and Jess soon
