Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hiking Trip

Hiking Trip

We left the capital around 11 oclock and took a 3 hour drive to El Inhenio. When we got there we found a place to set up camp and waited for Pastor Santo to arrive. When he did we split up into three groups. One group did childrens ministry while the two others went and did door to door evangilisim. That day we were able to lead 5 people to the Lord.

Monday was our first day actually hiking. We lucked out because there were a ton of clouds and a cool breeze. We got to see many beautiful things. My favorite part of this day was when we were almost at the way top of the mountain and it looked like just a little hill. It was a rough first day because we found out that we were no where near prepared for the hike as we needed to be. But, that all seemed to fade away when we got to the villiage. Again when we got there we set up camp, rested for a little while and then split up like we did the day before. This time we also invited the adults to come to a service that we were doing that night. During the door to door evangilism we had one salvation. I preached this night to a bunch of guys, we had maybe one lady or two show up. I preached on how God is not to blame for things happening and how the enemy is. No one got saved but they all sat and listened. So I was able to plant seeds. J

This was probably the hardest day walking. The reason for that was because we were walking hills for a few hours straight with the sun directly on us with a 40-50 lb back pack on our backs. When we got to the village we were all exausted. We did not want to do anything but sleep. We did take a short nap and then we went out and went door to door sharing about Jesus and inviting people to the service that night. My group did not get to share personaly about Jesus but we did invite plenty of people to the service. Every house we went to people had machettes pulled out and holding them or leaning on them and we were not sure why but knew that we were not really welcomed. We later found out that the reason people were like that was because they had only had one other missionary group up in that village and in between that time a group of gringos (white people) came and kidnapped a lot of children and they were not sure what we were there for. But, one adult was lead to Christ and one kid. The kid blew me away because he was the only one that raised his hand and was very timid about doing it. He was in a group with other kids and raised his hand barley but when Sam looked over he raised it a little higher. Before the services this day the kids kept making a cirlce around the tents and I was the center of there attention I even tried to hide in my tent and they would move over to look at me. The oldest was about 12 and the youngest like 6 they bad part was they were all boys doing it and when Sarah asked if they liked me they all said yes. It was funny.

This day was my favorite day for the view. When we got to the village we were on top of the mountain. (it was not our first mountain we were on top of but the view was amazing) if you stood on the top you could look and you were taller than all the mountains on one side. It was beautiful. God creates some beautiful things. After a short break we went out and evangilised. The first house that we went to was a Christian and you could see how Jesus changed his life. He gave glory to God for everything that he had. The rest the people just listened and let us pray for them but we were able to plant seeds and invite them to the service. This day for the kids ministry we had 80 kids and when we asked them if they knew who Jesus was or if they knew what sin was they eiteher did not answer or said no. We were able to lead about 60 kids to Christ that day. It was amazing!!

About 1 ½ hours into this day all of the ladies were able to put there back packs on the mules/horses. We were having a hard time breathing and just very tired. We left the village at 8 a.m. and did not get to the second village until 2:30 p.m. it was a long day. The sights were beautiful and it was a more relaxing day because a lot of it was flat ground. During the preaching we had asked the captian of the futbol (soccer) team if they would be able to stop the game and he said yes after the next goal. And when they were done we called over the guys and about 25 guys came and listened to Halym (our translater) share his testimony. Because we stopped the game, with Gods help, we were able to lead 5 men to the Lord. A total of 7 adults were lead to the Lord and about 35 children.

We just headed home after a long but amazing week in the mountains!

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